We are a gathering of people who enjoy the organ as a musical instrument in all the ways it inhabits our lives and the wonderful music that it makes. We gather to listen, to learn, to share, and to encourage each other. We are organists and non-organists and everything in between.
We are a chapter of The American Guild of Organists, a national organization that provides us resources, support, and connection with others who share our passion for "the King of Instruments."
Our mission is to bring the excitement and inspiration of the organ and its music to children and adults through events of education, entertainment and discovery.
We are a chapter of The American Guild of Organists, a national organization that provides us resources, support, and connection with others who share our passion for "the King of Instruments."
Our mission is to bring the excitement and inspiration of the organ and its music to children and adults through events of education, entertainment and discovery.
Are you interested in becoming a member?

If you're not a member and would like to join through our national organization, simply go to the AGO website at www.agohq.org. From the home page, choose the "Membership" tab and select "Join the Guild." When you enter your local chapter, be sure to choose the SD Chapter of the AGO!
We're also looking for local "friends" who are interested in the things we're doing in our area. If you'd like to be a Friend of SDAGO, you may join us for an annual fee of $15. You'll be supporting our work and have access to our communications, so you're up to date on all the great things happening in SDAGO! To join as a Friend, please download and complete this membership form, and return it with your payment.
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